In-Page Review-Quiz Question Maker

In the head section of your HTML document add this script-linking code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="quizGrader_bare.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../quizGrader_bare.js"></script>

To get the ("src=") file right-click on quizGrader_bare.js and choose "Download" or "Save Link As ..." or "Save Target As ..." (depending on browser) to add the Javascript file, which will do the work, to the same folder as the HTML file (or modify the path and place the Javascript file in that location).
Results: Highlight and copy after clicking the submit button.

                Question Count:        
Question Text
for a fill-in the blank question place a pair of braces [] for each blank to fill in

Question Type:
Text box (fill in the blank)
Radio button (choose one only)
Checkbox (multiple choice)

Question ID Number

Points For question (text/radio) or for each checkbox
Answer or Answers (see below for format specs)
Question type Format specifications for answer box (above)
Note use of vertical bar | (pipe) to separate items and multiple possible answers
Text answer|answer|answer|etc.
such as:
any of several answers: web|www|world wide web
one answer: default.asp
Radio-button 1 or 0 (true or not)|The Value (The Prompt):
For a correct answer: 1|Only One
For a wrong answer: 0|Really Two
Here you either get the points or nothing
Checkbox 1 or 0 (true or not)|The Value (The Prompt):
For a correct answer (should check): 1|Only One
For a wrong answer (should NOT check): 0|Really Two
Here correct responses add plus points to the total
and wrong responses take away the item points from the total.






Quiz Examples and Coding Explanation

All answers come from this page.

Quiz: fill in the blanks

A page is simply the page in any website folder which the server feeds to you when you ask for a folder/or/site without specifiying a particular page name

It used to be common for a server to show a listing of all the files in the site with links for each one. That is called .

Lacking a specific file request, the server has to look for a filename in the folder.

A list of standard file names used on various servers includes: home.html, home.htm, index.html, index.htm, welcome.html, default.htm, default.asp, and default.php

The server doesn't magically know which page should be served to visitors to your site so each web server has a of file names which are to be sent to the visitor when a specific file name is not specified.

If you already have an existing website on UMKC then you need to:
Add a page
make new site
Add a link

Check all which are typical default-page filenames:

Format Example

A page is simply the page in any website folder which the server feeds to you when you ask for a folder/or/site without specifiying a particular page name

If you already have an existing website on UMKC then you need to:
Add a page
make new site
Add a link

Check all which are typical default-page filenames:

<hr noshade>

<p>Format Example</p>

<form action="" method="post" name="quizForm1" id="quizForm1" Style="background-color: lightgreen; border: 1px red;">

Each paragraph tag must have a class="question" attribute, to identify it as a question for later file parsing. It has no effect on the operation of the quizz.

Text field (fill in the blanks)
The alt tag starts with the number of points for this question
Then a vertical bar
Then the answer. You can accomodate alternate spellings by adding a Vertical bar and an alternate spelling for each possible other answer to check for.

<p class="question">A <input name="pageQuiz1" type="text" id="pageQuiz1" alt="10|default" points="10">
page is simply the page in any website folder which the server feeds to you when you ask for a folder/or/site without specifiying a particular page name</p>

Radio Buttons:each alt tag has the single point value for the entire question
then a vertical bar
then has a "1" for correct response or a "0" for an incorrect response.

<p class="question">If you already have an existing website on UMKC then you need to:<br>
<input type="radio" name="pageQuiz6" id="pageQuiz6" alt="10|1" value="add a page"> Add a page<br>
<input type="radio" name="pageQuiz6" id="pageQuiz6" alt="10|0" value="make new site"> make new site<br>
<input type="radio" name="pageQuiz6" id="pageQuiz6" alt="10|0" value="add a link"> Add a link<br>

Checkboxes: use the alt tag to provide the number of points and whether it is the right answer
5|1 - a correct answer, 5 points. the "1" on the right of the vertical bar means a correct response
5|0 - a wrong answer, the "0" means a wrong answer. If checked this removes 5 points
Use the value attribute to show the answer (right or wrong)

<p class="question">Check all which are typical default-page filenames:<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="pageQuiz7" id="pageQuiz7" alt="3|1" value="default.asp"> default.asp<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="pageQuiz7" id="pageQuiz7" alt="5|0" value="homey.html"> homey.html<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="pageQuiz7" id="pageQuiz7" alt="2|1" value="index.html"> index.html<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="pageQuiz7" id="pageQuiz7" alt="2|1" value="home.html"> home.html<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="pageQuiz7" id="pageQuiz7" alt="3|1" value="default.htm"> default.htm<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="pageQuiz7" id="pageQuiz7" alt="5|0" value="mycomputer.htm"> MyComputer.htm<br>

<p><input type="button" name="Submit" value="Submit" onClick="gradeQuiz(this.form, 1)">


<form action="" method="post" name="quizForm1" id="quizForm1" Style="background-color: lightgreen; border: 1px red;">
